Saturday, November 27, 2004


CNN/Gallup internet poll: Is it hot to like these songs? OR NOT HOT?

I'm going to steal that tasty-smelling pie off your windowsill. Does anybody at all, anywhere, one person, actually approach the judicial/constitutional issue of abortion in terms of states' rights. It's all just tactical, and everybody knows it's tactical. So rhetoricpig ponders 'so everyone keeps yelling at each other, even though they all know they're lying, and there's no en masse ripping out of each other's throats?'
**such as**Did anyone, anywhere, just one person, think that Bush wasn't (in the run-up to war) just throwing out excuses and reasons, just waiting for one to stick.
'Um, Um, Clinton said we Um, the anthrax is from Um, 9-11, and the clapping and the Um, they shot down Nukes? Nukes. They have nucular weapons, heh.'
Even the dumbest drunk hillbilly (hillbilly is the aryan version of hiphop, yeehaw) could've seen it was so.
So shut your lying yaps or I'll tear out your gullets. No, not you.
Zero. Butterfly With Bullet Wings. Smashing Pumpkins. Cast your ballot, call 1-888-pop-hors.

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