Sunday, January 23, 2005


Fu*k Ninja Tune!

Why must so much power be used for evil?

RIRSAD (the rhetoricpig institute for remedial socialization and advanced deepness, rhetoricpig for short) is ecstatic to announce a new inductee into the Glue Hall of Fame! 'Jet fuel, pet fuel! Give me glue!' Here's Armand Van Helden's Koochy.

We here at rhetoricpig feel it incumbent upon ourselves to comment on President Bush's recent innauguration speech. This speech was MOST extraordinary. For the last 90 or maybe 150 years there has been first a vibrant debate and then a consenual negation of the idea that the U.S. should/must excercise moral authority and righteous physical dominance over the planet the U.S. happens to reside on, ie be the world's policeman. NOT IN BUSH'S MIND. W is the world's beat cop. And making his rounds just like that beat cop he'll eventually get to your corner of HIS neighborhood. And that cop's morally obligated to stop the crime he encounters, right? I mean, he's got the gun, who else is gonna do it?

All of this is rhetorical shorthand for action, action, ACTION.

Maybe the sniffer-in-chief should switch to glue.

And again, why must Ninja Tune use it's immense power for such downtempo, jazzy evil?

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