Saturday, January 01, 2005


Hello, how are we all doing? Hey. Hello. What's up Joe? Hey guy, how they hanging? Hey foxy. Lookin' good. Wha's up? Put'er there. Yo. Hey ladies.

I am currently fixated on this 42 second song, from Mountain Music of Kentucky Smithsonian/Folkways '96, Martha Hall- Young and Tender Ladies.

Come all you young and tender ladies
Be careful how you court young men
They're like a star of a summer morning
They first appear and then they're gone
If I'd've known before I courted
That love had been such a killin' thing
I'd have locked my heart
In a box of golden
And fastened it down
With a silver chain

Enjoy. And damned if I know what's up with the link,if it fails to load press reload and it'll work for some reason.

Holy guacamole Batman! I fixed that link, doh!
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