Sunday, February 06, 2005


A country named Irab?

mp3s- #9 and #10 from Tony, Toni, Tone's Sons of Soul, Gangsta Groove, Tonyies! In the Wrong Key. The Game and Poli High from Harry Nilsson's The Point. Here's Vic Damone's (not that Vic Damone's) Hot and Wet. Don't forget me bitches! Here's LCD Soundsystem giving you Thrills and Disco Infiltrator. Ho ho ho.

So it would seem I'm the only person that remembers seeing Firestarter or JFK or D.A.R.Y.L. or American Ninja or Rambo one, two, or three. I say this because these fine movies taught me at a young age to assume the worst about governments and power in general. So it takes somethin' to surprise me.

IRAN?! Sure, they don't know how to build a house properly, (the Bam earthquake'03 killed forty thousand due to the prevalence of large brick roofs atop wooden structures), but, DAMN, Iran is real big!

Rumsfeld is fucking awesome, lightning guns, super-ecstasy bombs, burrowing nukes and mini-nukes, LSD experiments, and robots with flags on their foreheads which will fight on long after all life is gone, all these are real projects that our fucking awesome defense secretary has proposed or run during his last 300 years as a liege of the dark. I made up the number 300 and that part about the flags. But the rest is true, we DO have a sci-fi fuck, comic book killer, cacklin' mad scientist runnin' things, controlling money and destructive power which would better be likened to the realm of stars. Personally, gives me a warmer feeling than one might assume. Luke.
As one of the Army's commanders you are at the forefront of the drive to stamp out alcohol and drug misuse in the Service.
I'm not one to assume sloppiness or ineptitude on the part of the US administration. I think most of their 'mistakes' are wholly purposeful, oops, my immigration plan didn't pass, oops, I've got no 'exit' plan, oops, I'm not gonna ban abortion, oops...

But I've yet to recognize the solid-footing of this 'oops'. It looks like the Iranian born and loyal head honcho Al- Sistani (or whatever) is gonna beat our man Allawi (or whatever). This seems like a sophmoric screw-up, maybe Bush believes in democracy. Howard Zinn doesn't think so.


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