Thursday, July 28, 2005


Why I am not a revolutionary.

My head is full of blood. I am fast becoming a fan of the French Revolution.
(CHOP) Next! (CHOP) Next! (CHOP) Next! (CHOP)
Oops, that's a bit sterile, imagine much poking and jeering and hopefully some trembling, prolapsing, and succinct psychological needling.

Overheard conversation:
This is shit! The slavin' business is done, what with all these laws and whiners!

I need a new line... now. Any ideas?

Yea. I know we have a number of ins with the navy at this table, howzabout this... now listen. With the help of them navy boys and their little boats we force our way into Chinese harbors, set up some factories inland, man'em with some little yellow slaves and then ship the shit to England and make a killing. Huh?

Make what? Ship what?

Who cares? Only that the 'killing' thus made supplied the funds for quite a few ventures. A number of prominent universities; Columbia, Princeton, Yale. A couple companies ya' might've heard of; Bell Telephone and United Fruit Company, I like Hawaii. And some presidents; FDR and the Bushes to name a few.

If the money was in fresh pre-pubescent pituitary glands they'd be farming kids and not pumping oil.
Info about Bin Laden heroin here.
mp3-Puff the Magic Dragon - Peter, Paul and Mary (so slow)

Monday, July 25, 2005


Howdy, Sis Cow,

W'y, howdy, Brer Rabbit,
How you find yo'se'f deze days, Sis Cow?
I'm sorter toler'ble, Brer Rabbit, how you come on?
Oh, I'm des toler'ble myse'f, Sis Cow; sorter lingerin' twix' a bauk en a breakdown.
Rhetoricpig is like these lords of sky and cloud,
Who ride the storm and mock the bow's taut strings,
Exiled on earth amid a jeering crowd,
Prisoned and palsied by his giant wings.
I'm definitely palsied at times. 'Tanks Baudelaire's Albatrossess and his effort...
To make the world less hideous and Time less grim.
Jorge Luis Borges published El Libro de Arena in 1971. Translated as The Book of Sand , Borges details the beautiful abomination known as The Sect of the Thirty.
The intentional actors were only two - the Redeemer and Judas. The latter cast down the thirty pieces of silver that were the price of Salvation and went and hanged himself. At the time, like the Son of Man, he was thirty-three years old. The sect worships them equally and absolves all the others. There is no one culprit. Everyone, unwitting or not, is an agent in the scheme laid down by Divine Wisdom. All of them now share the Glory.
More Borges.
I write for myself and for my friends, and I write to ease the passing of time.
Or as MilliVanilli said:
Blame it on the rain. Ya' gotta blame it on something.
Yes. I'm a fan.

Damn this is tiny. A bit of Flor Silvestre, director Emilio Fernandez, cinematogapher Gabriel Figueroa, 1943. site

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Look what I found.

I found this in a bargain pile at my fave bookshop. The title is On Assassination, author H. H. A. Cooper, isbn 0-87364-290-2. With chapter titles like Methods and Means, Natural Death by Unnatural Means, and Facing the Assassin's Challenge, the book is interesting in its own right. But the inscription is special. In black ink is written, I quote:

Interesting, no? I also found an unpublished and unfinished post. Here goes:
Title: G'day.
Mp3s-David Rovics- Tsunami, Falluja and After We Torture Our Prisoners, site

Y'like empathy, ay? I have a hard enough time with my own pain. Let alone that of the clubbed seals, mutilated prepubescent imprisoned prostitutes, gang-pressed African children forced to kill their own parents, or babies born without faces, let alone your every-minute rape, incest, or mouthful of broken teeth.

Let's finish that unfinished post. ...of broken teeth. And they lived happily ever after. That sucks. How about this. ...of broken teeth. And broken hearts. The dawn spreads its light like a broken yolk. Hunh?! Okay, here: ...of broken teeth. I'm so sorry, where'd I leave my comedy?
Yea, where?

As Philip Wylie says in Generation of Vipers, for want of self-reflection, revolution, and improvement how about...
One last danse macabre-with the machine, man, and man a prostitute of the embracing steel?

I agree. But not for me and mine. For them love and honesty.


This pig's head is full of hate. Somebody please, set me straight.

Bin Laden - Immortal Technique and Mos Def, produced by Green Lantern. site

Hey, long time no poke with a stick.


US military prisons are manned by National Guard whose civilian job is guarding US prisoners. Coincidence? No, that's the the fuckin' reason for a lot of what goes on. Hang a man by his arms and spend days having the squad turn his lower half into a bag of mush. WITH PUNCHES. He died of an embolism. He was a cabbie.

Uranium. Shit, I look to the future and little piglets and wonder if Los Angeles is 'clean' enough for breeding.

Okay, so there's some outrage that my more traditionally left readers might share. Now for the glue. Let's start slow.

JFK's joint chiefs of staff unanimously signed off on Operation Northwoods. Hijack US airliners, blow up buildings, snipe pedestrians, blame Cuba. And while JFK really liked big, long nukes, he wasn't down with the false-flags.
JFK assassination, pshaw that's just royal court intrigue.

I sicken myself. I reel and feel far away from Poppa. I want in the game!


But that is still killing power. What about butchering the weak?

Oklahoma City. One thing, the truck-bomb, the one parked in front, the one that blew out half of the building, the only bomb, that truck-bomb left a rather puny crater, about a foot and a half deep and 10-15 feet diameter. And the ATF guys telling people, on video, that they were paged not to come into work. And the guys with duffel bags full of blue jogging suits and explosives, and the Federal demands for their release.

And the first Twin Towers bombing. "But you said this was a sting, what the fuck is up with the real explosives?!", "JUST DO IT." They were supposed to park the van next to the column, not twelve feet away.

The BBC said it was astounding that MI-5 and 6 had training exercises concerning multiple transit bombings in the exact same places as the real bombings and at the same time. Whoa, that is astounding.

No independent reporter has been able to prove that Zacharias Moussaoui (the Decapitator) hasn't been dead for a number of years.
But that would mean... those videos... Daniel Pearl... really wet teams... aaieeee!

Does Dear Reader recognize the wrestling-match between me and my shame-faced submergence in conspiracy theory? Fuck you, Dear Reader!

Sorry, I try not to externalize my pain anymore.

How abouts I publish now and get back to you in sooner than 50 days. The pic is Labisse's Secretoises or is it Cretoises?

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